Scene Kids/ Myspace clothing brands and Paul Griffiths

Hey guys,

Recently i have been having quite a few conversations with Daniel Finnerty, a really cool dude that loves what i am doing with Backfire and is into the direction Backfire is going.

Well we got talking about Scene kids and a certain myspace clothing brand which is now a massive company. I am in no way against this company, personally they are not my style but i respect how fast and how large the company is and has grown. With such simple designs they have found their market and have performed extremely well.

Well we got onto Paul Griffiths, the internet superstar, everyone seems to see him like marmite, you either love him or hate him. BUT i cannot put myself in either bracket, i dont think i know him well enough to judge and i believe he comes across the wrong way. When it is claimed that he is very arrogant im pretty sure he is drunk most of the time and even the best of us say crap when we are drunk so i am sure he can be forgiven. maybe in time my view of him will be changed but any publicity is good publicity and through his own publicity he has made his company MASSIVE.

Anyways me and Daniel were discussing Paul and scene kids and he was like "I FOUND PAUL IN POKEMON" and i was like woah i have got to see this and when i saw the picture i laughed my head off, it actually looks like a typical scene kid/Paul Griffiths.

Let me know what you think

Enjoy x

Friends 2008

Hey guys,

One of my best friends told me to check out this video he made on youtube.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was an overview of the past year my mates and i have had, Bloody funny times and i thought the song fitted well.

You may notice my changing hair styles and that me and Dan have matching Backfire tees at some points.

Check it out and let me know what you think and of course rate it on youtube.


Pre Sale Items Now Available!

So sorry guys, it is mega busy here at Backfire HQ.

In the new year we will have a belt, another new tee and maybe even a hoodie for those cold winter months!!!! SO exciting.

Finally i have sorted out the webstore so the 2 new designs, Firework and PiggyBack are now available for Pre order.

By Pre ordering it means that you will be the first to receive the new tee, you will get extra Backfire goodies and stickers in time for xmas and you will receive a better price!!

I have added a giftwrap service for xmas so we do all the work and when you recieve your products they are ready to go straight under the tree, ace or what??

ALSO i have added a bundle so you can buy both the new tees for a discounted price, i will see how this goes and if there are not many sales i will take it down.

If you would like a bundle including the bunny tee then either email me or contact Backfire on myspace.

Anyways head over to the store and check it all out.

Olly x

New Design - Fireworks/Bonfire Night

Well, Happy November 5th Guys. Guy Fawkes night/Bonfire night/Whatever you want to call it these days.

I'm pretty sure the younger generation don't even know what today is about, well for those of you that don't know. A man called 'Guy Fawkes' tried to blow up the houses of parliment using alot of gunpowder but his plot was found out so every November 5th us Brits celebrate that his plan failed by having a big Bonfire, putting a Guy made out of newspaper on the fire and burning it. Then we let off some fireworks and have a jolly good old time.


Here is Backfire's next design which will released along with the Piggyback Tee in early December. Pre sale for these tees will begin next week. We ran out of time for the Halloween competition so anyone that orders a tee in the run up to Xmas gets entered into a prize draw to win an Xmas hamper from Backfire with lots of goodies that will arrive in time for the best day of the year!!!

This design is inspired by fireworks so today was definitely the perfect day to reveal this design. To begin with it will be released on an American Apparel Teal tee and maybe if that is popular enough then it will be released on a limited edition purple tee!!

So here you guys go:

Would really appreciate any feedback on this guys, so please email me, leave a comment on here, myspace us or anything.

Sorry updates have been so lackluster lately, i have so much to tell you guys so bare with me and i will catch up in the next week.

Thanks for listening.

Olly x

Halloween Sale

For today only i will be running a sale to celebrate Halloween!!!

To get 20% Off just enter BKFRE20 at the checkout.


Enjoy, the sale will end at midnight!!


New Design

As promised i am now revealing a new Backfire design, sorry about the hour delay for those of you expecting to see this at 8!!!!

Basically before Christmas there will be 3 new tee releases and a belt!!!

So first off here is one of the tee designs, it will go on Pre-sale from next week and will be shipped out around mid to late November along with the second design which i will be revealing later this week.

This design is different to anything else on the market and will totally make you stand out in the crowd and turn a few heads.

It's called Piggy Back, it has both a print on the front and back of the tee.


Keep checking back later in the week for the next design and email me/myspace me your thoughts on this design.

Olly x

Fashion Show this weekend

This weekend is very exciting, Backfire will be doing it's first show!

It is being held at The Shop, down Jesus Lane in Cambridge near to where Route one used to be. I believe it is mostly vintage clothing, handmade clothing and accessories so Backfire will be a bit different to what else there is, Hopefully we will make a few sales, meet some nice people and have a good time.

Dan and Vicki are coming down with me on Saturday to help run the stall, hopefully we will have stickers to hand out and we will be taking email addresses down for our mailing list. The place is empty at the moment but i am assured it is being decorated Friday night/Saturday morning in time for the event that runs from 12 until 4 PM.

Today Dan and I went down to The Shop to have a peek inside, it was basically empty and looked like an art gallery. But i am very positive it will be super on the day and i must thank Milly for sorting this all out for Backfire.

After the event on Saturday we will upload pictures for those of you that are unable to come but we would love to see as many of you down there as possible.

If you let us know you read this blog then we will give you some free stickers and mention you when we upload the pics =]